Thursday, January 24, 2013

A 4 Day Week and OMG!!!!

Am I the only one who is exhausted after a 4 day week? It is only Thursday evening and I am wishing tomorrow was Saturday. My kids have been a little chatty...LOL...They haven't stopped talking!!!! We also have progress reports and parent/teacher conferences next week so I have been trying to do some assessments. Where does the time go? I need way more hours in our school day!! Am I actually saying that???

This week we began subtraction with regrouping. I introduced it first by just showing them what it looked like if they were doing it on their paper. Then we used place value mats with our base ten blocks. The first example was a was like they had never used base ten blocks. Oh, and my principal decides to do a walk through at that very moment. Oh well, I trudged forward!! With each practice problem, the craziness lessened. I used the poster below to help them understand the whole concept.

What I thought was very helpful was sending an email to my parents the night before we were going to start the subtraction with regrouping concept. I also sent the above poster and explained the steps I would be teaching. This seemed to be quite helpful.

On Monday, our second graders will be celebrating their 101st day of school. I have been doing this for several years since the 100th day of school is done in K and 1st. Our 101st day is a short day for us due to conferences, so I will not be able to do as much as I did last year. The kids will be dressing up to look like they are 101. However, myself and my teaching partners will be dressing up as second graders!!! The kids are super excited!! We have some fun activities planned that day with our limited time schedule. I will be sure to share and post pictures next week!

I am off to watch my new favorite show Scandal!! I don't know why, but I am hooked! Wishing you all a happy Friday!!

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute idea! We told our 2nd graders that now that they are bigger and more mature that we don't celebrate the 100th day like K/1 does. I do like the 101st day idea though! :)



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